Owned and operated by award-winning author Kealan Patrick Burke, Elderlemon Design provides affordable book cover designs for authors. We cater to print and digital media, and each cover is made to order based on the author/client's own input. Employing stock art, our own photography, and often hand-drawn elements, we work with you to ensure your finished cover accurately reflects your book's content in a dynamic, eye-catching way, and at the most competitive rates in the business.
Once you hire us to do your cover, we work with you to come up with a concept that's as close to what you want as you'll get without invasive surgery. After we schedule you, we offer a turnaround of not more than ten days from the assigned commencement date (excluding time incurred by additional changes requested by the author/client.)
To date we have designed covers for over a hundred authors, including such notable names as Robert McCammon, Tim Lebbon, Brian Keene, Scott Nicholson, Richard Laymon, Bentley Little, Hugh Howey, J. Carson Black, and Vincent Zandri, and for publishing houses like Cemetery Dance and Random House.
To obtain our services, just drop us a line to let us know what you need and we'll get back to you asap!